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Secured Loans and Lines of Credit

  • Get one of our lowest rate loans
  • Build or improve credit
  • Earn dividends on your held funds

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Secured Loans and Lines of Credit

  • Get one of our lowest rate loans
  • Build or improve credit
  • Earn dividends on your held funds

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Low-rate loans to help you build credit fast

WSECU offers Share- and Certificate-Secured Loans and Share-Secured Lines of Credit — loans that are guaranteed with funds in your WSECU savings account or share certificate.

Secured loan and line of credit rates and terms

Secured loan and line of credit rates and terms

Share-Secured Loan

Variable Rate*

Annual Percentage Rate (APR) The cost of the loan, including interest and fees.
Up to 96 months
Payment period The length of time allotted to repay the loan.
Compensating share balance required

Certificate-Secured Loan

Variable Rate*

Earning rate + 3.00%
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) The cost of the loan, including interest and fees.
Up to 96 months
Payment period The length of time allotted to repay the loan.
Compensating certificate balance required

Share-Secured Line of Credit

Variable Rate*

Annual Percentage Rate (APR) The cost of the loan, including interest and fees.
Based on 4% of balance
Payment period The length of time allotted to repay the loan.
Compensating share balance equal to limit

* Rates and terms listed are current as of August 1, 2023. Rates and terms are subject to change at WSECU's discretion.


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