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Savings Accounts

A savings account is where membership begins.

  • Minimum $5 deposit to open
  • Minimum $5 balance
  • Direct deposit and payroll deduction
  • Receive direct deposit funds up to two days early

Open account

Here's what you'll need

Savings Accounts

A savings account is where membership begins.

  • Minimum $5 deposit to open
  • Minimum $5 balance
  • Direct deposit and payroll deduction
  • Receive direct deposit funds up to two days early

Open account

Here's what you'll need

Savings Calculator

How do you want to save for the future?

Select one of these options to get started.

How much can you save per month?

Enter how much you think you can save per month on average.

Enter in at least $1

Do you have a timeframe?

Do you know how long you are planning on saving?

Yes No

How long do you want to save?

Enter how long you plan on saving to meet your goal.

Enter in at least 1 month

Do you have a total savings goal?

Do you have a total amount you are hoping to save?

What is your savings goal?

Enter the total amount you want to save.

Enter in at least $1

What is your savings goal?

Enter the total amount you want to save.

Enter in at least $1

Do you have a timeframe?

Do you know how long you are planning on saving?

How long do you want to save?

Enter how long you plan on saving to meet your goal.

Enter in at least 1 month

How much can you save per month?

Enter how much you think you can save per month on average.

Enter in at least $1

Savings Information

Your total savings based on your monthly contribution and timeframe.
The amount you will need to save monthly to reach your savings total in this timeframe.
Timeframe The total length of time you will need to save to reach your total savings.
0 0
The total savings you would like to have after making your monthly contributions.
Enter in a number
The amount you will need to save monthly to reach your savings total in this timeframe.
Enter in a number
Timeframe The total length of time you will need to save to reach your total savings.
Minimum timeframe is 1 month.
The total amount earned with compounded interest over a year.
Enter in a number
The amount you already have in your savings account.
Enter in a dollar amount

Savings Summary

over 0 0

When using the calculator, please remember the dollar amounts displayed aren’t guaranteed, and what you actually save may be different. The estimates you receive are for illustrative and educational purposes only. The results of any savings calculator are not intended to be and should not be considered a guarantee of the amount for which you may save.

Classic Savings Account

Balance requirement The balance needed to meet account terms and conditions.
Annual Percentage Yield (APY) The total amount earned with compounded interest over a year.
Monthly service fees The amount charged every month to maintain the account.
A cat sits on top of a table in a bright home

Member quote

I have banked at WSECU for 12 years. They have never steered me wrong. I bought a house and car through them. I absolutely love their customer service and would recommend anyone and everyone. – Megan J.

Your perspective is important to us and helps us see where we’re hitting the mark and where there might be areas to improve.