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Announcing Partnerships to Support Student Success

WSECU Announces Partnerships to Support Student Success

A college degree continues to be one of the most reliable investments and long-term contributing factors toward financial stability and upward mobility. WSECU is pleased to announce major investments in partnerships with University of Washington Tacoma, University of Washington Bothell and Seattle Colleges to support student success, especially for first-generation college students and students of color.

With a multiyear $600,000 commitment to the two regional campuses of the University of Washington, our sponsorship funds are targeted to help address some economic and societal barriers that can potentially disrupt a student’s education path.

With more low-income students gaining access to higher education than ever before in Washington state, the need for student emergency aid is growing. Quite often UW Tacoma and UW Bothell attendees are not simply students. They are also employees, breadwinners, parents, tenants, patients, commuters … the list goes on. They can face significant life challenges outside of school that sometimes turn into unexpected emergencies. During the pandemic, these challenges have been amplified and the need for support has increased.

WSECU’s financial commitment will go toward emergency aid, financial wellness programming, needs-based scholarships as part of the Black Opportunity Fund, and activities to support how to merge students’ academic experiences with real-world professional skills required for career success.

For some students of color and first-generation students, learning how to navigate higher education, building a sense of community and collaboration, and having resources to turn to in an emergency can make a huge difference in getting to graduation — and beyond.

For Seattle Colleges, our multiyear commitment supports scholarships and emergency aid for participants in the Seattle Promise program, 70% of whom are students of color. Seattle Promise gives public high school graduates two years of free tuition and other support, such as access to student success specialists at one of the Seattle Colleges. Equity scholarships will help students with financial emergencies or unexpected expenses so they are able to remain in school and earn their degree.

In addition to these new partnerships, our own scholarship program annually awards $100,000 to WSECU members pursuing a higher education.

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