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BALANCE Financial Fitness Program

Learn about the BALANCE Financial Fitness Program

As a WSECU member, you have access to free financial assistance through our partnership with BALANCE, a national nonprofit organization.

BALANCE's counselors are experts in personal finance and credit. They are qualified to address a multitude of areas including:

  • General money management
  • Goal setting, spending and savings plans
  • Credit report review and education
  • Debt management
  • Buying your first home
  • Mortgage delinquency and foreclosure prevention

BALANCE Services

Money Management

BALANCE offers two ways to track expenses and help you establish a spending plan. You can speak with a counselor over the phone and come away with a plan that is designed to assist you with staying on top of your finances. If you prefer, you can also download BALANCE's Money Management Planner.

Credit Report Review

A good credit rating is vital to many aspects of life, from buying a home to being hired for a job. A regular check-up is the best way to ensure your credit is in good standing. At your request, a BALANCE counselor will review your credit report with you and discuss your credit score, correcting inaccuracies, identity theft prevention and recovery and if needed, ways to improve your credit. 

You can request a free credit report annually at You are also entitled to a free copy if you have been denied credit. If you don’t have access to a free credit report, BALANCE can provide one for you at little or no cost.

Debt Management

If you're having difficulties in paying your creditors, BALANCE can assist you with comprehensive counseling and, if necessary, a debt management plan. Complete details are available on the BALANCE website.

Housing Education

Consult with a BALANCE expert to learn about the factors considered in qualifying for a mortgage, what is included in the home buying process, and setting a realistic plan into motion for reaching your goal of owning a home.

Contacting BALANCE

Hours (Pacific time)

Monday - Thursday: 7:30am - 6:00pm
Friday: 7:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 2:00pm

You can also email BALANCE with general questions.

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